Digital Marketing in 2018
This year, digital marketing plays a vital part in expanding businesses of all sizes and shapes across the globe because most people are able to access the information via computers, tablets or mobiles and it is easier for everyone to interact in the virtual world...
Positive Marketing Platforms
It’s the digital age and influencer marketing is the trend for online businesses these days. For every $1 campaign done with an influencer, the return is reportedly $6.50. Sounds good? Definitely! If you still haven’t welcomed the concept of influencer marketing,...
Best Plugins for Your Business Blog/Website
Having a blog or a website with which you promote your brand or business can be strenuous. The things you do for the maintenance alone can take up much of your precious time. However, with the best plug-ins for your business blog or website, you can save...
Blog vs. Website: Which is better?
It’s a constant battle for blog vs. website. A lot of people, online entrepreneurs in particular, are still confused on this matter. Many are resorting to one or the other thinking that it’s what’s going to work for them. But what is really the difference between a...
Best Tools for Creating Infographics
We’ve all heard it. Infographics is in nowadays. The popularity of informative graphics is rapidly increasing day by day. More and more individuals are appreciating this short, sweet, and concise way of content marketing. Why not? Infographics are highly informative...
Key Roles to Start Your Content Marketing Team
Starting your digital content marketing journey can be a bit of a hassle if you do it all by yourself. As you go on, you’ll discover that there’s actually more to tackle than just writing and posting blog content. You’ll have to go beyond blogging if you want to move...
Elemental Drives to Enhance Team Efficiency
In the book entitled “Driven”, the authors, Drs. Paul Lawrence and Nitin Nohria of the Harvard Business School, explained a theory. This theory was coined as “The Four Drive Model”. It suggests that employees are highly motivated to work if their four main emotional...
25 Web Development Tips to Boost your Skills
#1: Clear lists Clearing floating elements is part of the grind for most web developers. We can still get caught out though. For example, how do you clear floated list elements without setting a height? “The answer to this little dilemma is actually really simple,”...
Types of Writers
One of the artists responsible in boosting online presence are the writers. Here is a list of writers performing business or organizational functions: 1. Copywriters Are the marketing content guru, their work are showcased in brochures, direct mail advertisements,...
Pros in a Pre-made Website Template
1. Price It is a lot cheaper compared to custom made designs. And pre-made templates nowadays showcase a variety of beautifully designed templates. 2. Customization It provides easy to customized features and installation procedure. 3. Usability and Responsiveness...
Four Proven Ways to Reach a New Audience
There are companies who focus on just simply writing content for blogs and websites. Studies reveal, however, that they’re mostly the companies whose site traffics are merely steady. Most of their subscribers are the ones who are very niche-specific. Meanwhile, there...
Common Marketing Strategies of the Digital Age
If you’ve been consistently doing any of the strategies mentioned below yet your marketing results are on the verge of being dormant, it might be time to change your game plan. Social Media Content. People always want to talk about something interesting. This makes it...
Most Effective Strategies for Content Marketing
A 2016 statistics from revealed the top ten most effective strategies for content marketing. Some of these strategies are not even commonly used. It is sad to note that there are companies who are still overusing tactics that no longer excite the target...
5 Effective Tactics for Content Marketing
Content marketing is the hype nowadays. With all the competition in this digital age, how can we make our brand stand out? Try out these 5 effective tactics for content marketing. Find your niche. Decide on an ideal target market. This way, it is easier to understand...
Hashtagging Your Way to Digital Marketing
The ‘#’ (pound) sign was generally known in Mathematics as the number sign. In musical notes, it signifies the sharp note. To the carefree laymen, it is a Tic Tac Toe board. But then social media happened and the sign started to be known for some other uses. It is now...
Social Media Platforms for Digital Marketing
Social media marketing is quite the norm in the modern digital age. It has become a bit of hype. Most people today tend to focus much of their time in front of their computer screens and mobile phones. In lieu of such trend, companies and entrepreneurs alike now look...
10 Ways on How Social Media Can Help Your Brand
It is undeniable that social media is the number one hype in this digital age. Because of this hype, more and more businesses have advanced into the field of social media marketing. Those who have long been engaged in the field are already at a great advantage with...
5 Surefire Ways to Motivate Your VA
Hiring a virtual assistant (VA) can be quite a challenge. You don’t get to actually see them working in person. They’re just like traditional workers but they work remotely – in the comfort of their own homes. The problem most often comes in when a VA decides to...